Actor. Director. Writer.

I'm So Hot (featuring Tabatha Gayle)

Helen (featuring Evelyn Miller)

Ink'dWell (by Erin E. Adams, featuring Britney Simpson and Landon G. Woodson)

The Danaid Legacy (featuring Lily Ling)
The Bluest Eye (featuring Tabatha Gayle)

Medea (featuring David Rubin and Evelyn Miller)

Featuring Erby Beauvil and Tabatha Gayle

Tragic Fragments (featuring Lily Ling and Paul Hurley)

Misogynoir (featuring Tabatha Gayle)

Helen (featuring Hannah Barrie)

Model Citizens (by Robert Lee Poole III and Haley Poole)

A Dying Breed (by Ianne Fields Stewart, featuring James Jelkin and William Sinclair Moore)

gethsemane (by celeste sage, featuring Aliyah Jones and celeste sage)

The Danaid Legacy (featuring Zack Dictakis)

Novana (featuring Tabatha Gayle)

Medea (featuring Lily Ling)